A new donation to the “Evgenideio” 6th Primary School of Orestiada

Honouring the birthplace of national benefactor Eugene Eugenides and following its 10-year support to the “Evgenideio” 6th Primary School of Orestiada, the Eugenides Foundation-Marianthi Simou Legacy made a donation of 130.000 euros to the school for renovation work (insulations, frames replacement, paint).
The renovation work was completed on time and in the beginning of the new school year the students and teachers of the Evgenideio school will be amazed to see that they will work and play in a totally renovated environment.
In the past 7 years, the Eugenides Foundation has offered more than 300,000 euros for the needs of the school.
On behalf of the children, the teachers association and the local community, Giannis Drasioudis, the director of the school, extended his gratitude to the Eugenides Foundation, for its donation in such difficult times, which will help the Evgenideio school being operationally more useful for the students.
*You can watch here the related video - in greek - (Main newscast, Municipal Channel of Orestiada)