Donations of the Eugenides Foundation amount to 1,000,000 Euros to education and health sector

For the past 60 years, the Eugenides Foundation has been standing with a sense of responsibility and solidarity by the Greek citizens, offering various integrated educational programs.
Following the bequest of its founder, Eugene Eugenides, the Eugenides Foundation, once again, acted in a period of national emergency. The same way, that the foundation had previously acted, by contributing greatly in the cases of earthquakes and fires, it now deals with the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Supporting the national efforts in the difficult times of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Eugenides Foundation has made significant donations to the sectors of education and health, amounting to 1,000,000 Euros, since March 2020.
The Foundation’s holistic approach, protecting its visitors in time, supporting its employees at all levels, while always keeping in mind the safety of its staff, has been ongoing. The Foundation thus greatly contributes to the hard work of the young men and women in Greece.
In collaboration with the state, the Eugenides Foundation supported the hospitals most affected by the outbreak of the pandemic. It supplied the Sotiria General Hospital, the Attikon University General Hospital, as well as the Children's Hospital Aglaia Kyriakou with medical equipment worth 600,000 Euros. In addition, responding to the needs of Greece’s islands, the foundation donated two ambulances, which will be utilized by the health centers of the islands of Ios and Rhodes.
The Eugenides Foundation also greatly contributed through the "Marianthi Simou” donation project. Through SYN-ENOSIS, the Greek Shipowners’ Social Welfare Company, the foundation enabled the purchase of ventilators and vital function monitors for the hospital’s Intensive Care Units, as well as supporting the efforts of other organizations to help overcome the pandemic.
The Eugenides Foundation also strengthened the education sector with donations of 406,000 Euros, offering 3,550 tablets to schools all over Greece, and thus, placing great emphasis on critical areas to support distance learning, computers and equipment, to help protect schools all over Greece from Covid-19. Furthermore, the Eugenides Foundation took the initiative to coordinate the implementation of a modern distance learning platform for the Merchant Marine Academies and other schools. Through the implementation of the distance learning programs, the foundation greatly supported the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy, the Merchant Marine Academies, the centers for further seafarers training, as well as the Hellenic Coast Guard.
When academies and schools stayed closed due to the pandemic, the Foundation greatly supported the continuation of the public training in a timely and efficient manner. The implementation of the platform allowed students of the academies to seamlessly continue their studies without missing any semester. At the same time, the Foundation organized a multitude of online activities for the young public within the framework of "Staying Home", by creating and adapting new exclusively online activities. The Eugenides Foundation is always present when circumstances require it.