The Merchant Marine Academy of Hydra
visit the Eugenides Foundation
The students of the Merchant Marine Academy of Hydra visited the Eugenides Foundation on Friday 19 April 2019.

The students of the Merchant Marine Academy of Hydra visited the Eugenides Foundation on Friday 19 April 2019, accompanied by the Commander of the Merchant Marine Academy of Hydra Cpt Evangelos Danopoulos, the Director of MMA of Hydra Cpt. Christos Kotzias and the Deputy Director of MMA of Hydra Vassileios Stavropoulos.
This visit was also attended by the Director of the Directorate for Maritime Training, Hellenic Coast Guard Commodore Alexandros Tselikis.
The students of the Merchant Marine Academy of Hydra toured the premises of the Eugenides Foundation and attended actions at the Science and Technology Centre, the UTechLab and the Planetarium.
There followed a meeting with the President of the Eugenides Foundation and Maritime Ambassador of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) in Greece, Mr Leonidas Dimitriadis-Eugenides.
After welcoming the students of the Merchant Marine Academy of Hydra, Mr Leonidas Dimitriadis-Eugenides underlined that the Greek shipping is a sector where Greek merchant navy officers excel when combining their passion for the sea with their continuous development of skills.
Mr Leonidas Dimitriadis-Eugenides also stressed that the Eugenides Foundation has been supporting public marine education over the years by all appropriate means, always being willing to contribute to its enhancement whenever called upon. In this context, Mr Leonidas Dimitriadis-Eugenides wished young students every success in their career at sea.
The Commander of the Merchant Marine Academy of Hydra Cpt Evangelos Danopoulos thanked Mr Evgenidis for having offered students of the Merchant Marine Academy of Hydra the opportunity to visit the Eugenides Foundation, as well as for having supported public marine education over the years. Thereupon, Cpt Evangelos Danopoulos offered to Mr Leonidas Dimitriadis-Eugenides the coat of arms of the eldest marine academy in the world, still active.