Plot of the story

The seventh episode of the series "Scientists who “Eurikan”[1] for the humanity" is dedicated to Georgios Papanikolaou, the great scientist and researcher who benefited women with his medical discovery for the early detection of cervical cancer. Georgios Papanikolaou, along with his wife, Machi Mavrogenis, emigrated to New York so that he could follow his great love: research. They had a hard time of it, they worked hard in shops and factories, but they did not stray from the path they had set out on. They fought for their goal, and they succeeded. Georgios was recruited to the Department of Anatomy at Cornell University in Miami and has since devoted himself to the study of cervical cells. When he announced the first findings from his experiments, few colleagues believed him. But he did not lose his courage and optimism and continued his work in silence.

Machi, a valuable fellow-traveller in the arduous journey of investigation, stood by George's side every step of the way. With ceaseless work and faith in his ideas, with patience and perseverance, the labors were rewarded and the time for recognition arrived. Doctors and researchers around the world began to share his views. The examination he proposed, the so-called "Pap test", was completely accepted as the only method of early diagnosis of cervical cancer.

George had been vindicated. He passed away in 1962, leaving behind a remarkable work of inestimable value. Mothers and daughters across the globe honor the leading doctor, the Greek doctor Pap. They owe him eternal gratitude for saving them from cervical cancer. For giving them health and life with a simple and painless gynecological check-up. 

Narration: George Eugenikos
Music: Mara Kaisari
Research-Editing: Maria Vlachaki 

Many thanks for his scientific contribution we owe to Mr. Zacharakis Dimitris MD, PhD, obstetrician, surgeon gynecologist, urogynecologist, University fellow of the 1st Obstetrics & Gynecology University Clinic of the University Hospital "Alexandra".

You can listen and/or download the podcast from the Eugenides Foundation channel on Spotify here.

[1] Found


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