Bioinformatics (for school groups)
Biology - Computer Science workshop. All grades of Lyceum

To register call 210 9469662, 210 9469663, 210 9469620 and 210 9469683 from Monday to Friday 9:30- 16:30
2 hours
The dates shown are indicative and can be altered upon request in advance. Any science experiment demonstration can be arranged to take place between Monday and Wednesday from 10:00 until 12:00.
24 people
All grades of Lyceum
Get acquainted with different biological databases and explore the ways in which data can be handled, manipulated, and analyzed.
-What is Bioinformatics?
-How can we exploit the vast amount of scientific relevant information that new technologies provided by new technology at a daily basis?
-What are the main conclusions that can be drawn after sequencing the human genome?
-How does computer science aid the design and development of new drugs?
This workshop introduces students to the world of Bioinformatics. Students are split into small teams and asked to analyze biologically relevant data as well as answer related questions.
Students become acquainted with bioinformatics in order to recognize the basic characteristics of a biological molecule, as well as its computational representation in international databases.
They collect data and manipulate it appropriately using specialized software that processes DNA sequences to detect their specific characteristics and to compare them.
Finally, each team will utilize simple programming principles to code a program that detects functional patterns within these sequences and addresses a biologically relevant question.
Learning objectives
Acquaintance with bioinformatics.
Connection of two different topics into one interdisciplinary topic.
Engagement of students with modern applications and new technologies.
Familiarization with the structure of biological molecules.
Introduction to the use of highly specialized sequencing software.
Soft-skill acquisition related to the topics of Biology, Computer Science and Modelling.
Development of skills such as teamwork, co-operation, problem solving, critical thinking, and creativity.