Electricity – Electromagnetism
Physics demonstrations | 3rd grade of Gymnasium, 2nd grade of Lyceum

Required, call 210 9469641, Monday to Friday, 9:30-16:30
60 minutes
The dates and times shown are indicative and can be altered upon request in advance. Any science experiment demonstration can be arranged to take place between Monday and Friday from 09:00 to 15:00.
120 students
3rd grade of Gymnasium, 2nd grade of Lyceum (only for school groups)
Introduction to the concepts of electricity, electric charge, electric and magnetic fields, voltage, current and resistance, electromagnetism, law of electromagnetic induction and its applications.
3rd Grade of Gymnasium
What is electric charge? Why do we get electric shocks? How can we charge an object? How many types of charges exist in nature? What is the connection between electricity and magnetism? What is electric current? What are the types of resistor connection used in electronic circuits? What is voltage?
The objective of this physics demonstration is to introduce students to the concepts of electrostatics like electric charge, static electricity, electric force, electric field and electric field lines. In addition, through experiments, students will become familiar with the connection between electricity and magnetism, electric current, circuits, types of resistor connections, Ohm’s Law and applications of electromagnetism in everyday life.
Topics Covered
- Static electricity
- Types of charges
- Charging methods (friction, conduction, induction)
- Coulomb force
- Electric Field
- Electric field lines
- Electric current
- Resistance Series and parallel circuits
- Ohm’s law
- Conductors and insulators
- Heating and magnetic effects of electric current
- Oersted, Faraday and the electric generator
2nd Grade of Lyceum
What is electric charge? What is the basic structure of atom? How can we charge an object? What is electric field and which are its analogies to magnetic and gravitational field?
What do electric field lines represent? What is electric current? What are the types of resistor connection used in electronic circuits? What is the connection between electricity and magnetism? What are some everyday applications of electromagnetism?
Topics covered
- Types of charges
- Atomic structure
- Charging methods
- Electric field
- Magnetic field
- Gravitational field
- Voltage source
- Electric current
- Voltage
- Series and parallel circuits
- Ohm’s law for the closed circuit
- Oersted’s experiment
- Faraday’s experiment
- Electric generator
- Motion of charged particle in uniform electric field.
Introduction to the fundamental concepts of electricity and magnetism.
Demonstrate complex concepts in a simple and understandable way.
Develop critical thinking.
Familiarize with concepts of modern physics.
Make connections between science and technology.
Make connection between physics and everyday life phenomena.