Did you know that the word dinosaur derived from the Ancient Greek words δεινός ('terrible') and σαῦρος ('lizard') and means terrible lizard? These animals dominated Earth millions of years ago and still fascinate us today. How would you like the idea of making your own dinosaur to decorate and illuminate your space?

If you are a dinosaur fan and you enjoy DIY, take part in this series of two workshops and find out how. In the first part of the workshops, we will learn how to convert an image from the internet into a suitable format to create our own 3D model. We will print the model on the 3D printer. In the second part, we will see how we can light up our construction with the help of a led strip and an arduino microcontroller. With proper programming we will create our own light and color patterns. At the end, you will take this unique Dino Led lamp with you. We are waiting for you! 

The workshop is conducted in the Greek language.
