Roblox Game Makers 1: The lost treasure
How to create a Video Game with Roblox Studio | Ages: 10-14 (5th & 6th gr. Primary, 1st & 2nd gr. Junior High)

Total: 40€
5 sessions
Workshop for individuals
9/3, 16/3, 23/3, 30/3 & 6/4, 10:30-12:30
9/3, 16/3, 23/3, 30/3 & 6/4, 14:30-16:30
In this series of 5 two-hour workshops, we will create and code our own adventure video game. The goal of the player will be to reach the end of the game overcoming all the obstacles and traps in his way.
In the exciting world of Roblox, we familiarize ourselves with coding and game design.
By having as a guide the game's Design Document, we learn the basic rules of game development through Roblox Studio, the software used to create Roblox games. Using design tools, we understand the principles of 3D modeling. We create our own models and learn how to position them in the virtual game space and how to edit them. To give the above elements movement and life, we program them using the Lua programming language. We learn about the properties of the player and the objects such as texture, transparency, mass, and using code we learn how to manipulate them. In conclusion, we will get to know basic programming concepts like variables, functions, and control structures.
At the end of the series, we will have the opportunity to publish and share our games with others.
The series of workshops is conducted in the Greek language.