Terms and Conditions of Use
and Personal Data Protection
General terms and conditions of use of the building’s facilities and collaboration with the Eugenides Foundation.

The Organizer interested in organizing a conference, event or seminar at the EF premises should be aware that:
- The EF offers its premises together with its equipment: auditorium, Conference hall, meeting room, 1st-floor and 2nd-floor peristyles, ceremonies and receptions hall and the New Digital Planetarium (exclusively for viewing its set programme). All the aforementioned spaces are exclusively owned, possessed and controlled by the EF.
- Communication and monitoring of preparation work with the Organizer is undertaken by a specific person selected from the competent work group of the Conferences and Events division of the EF.
- In the spaces and venues available for seminars, events and conferences, only EF equipment may be used. In the exceptional event that the Organizer supplements with his/her own auxiliary equipment, the Organizer himself/herself bears the responsibility for the operation and proper functioning of this equipment.
- The Eugenides Foundation provides interpreters’ cabins and translation receivers. For the use of translation receivers by the Organizer’s event participants, the Organizer bears full responsibility for their proper use and must post the terms of use for these receivers at the conference secretariat. In the event of loss of translation receivers during the conference, the Organizer will be required to compensate the Eugenides Foundation for its loss and pay twenty euros (€20) per receiver.
- The EF technical staff are solely responsible for providing technical assistance in all conference areas.
- Any party interested in holding a conference, event or seminar on the EF premises must submit, for approval by the Foundation, its proposed configuration of the exhibition area (design of booths, stands and exhibits).
- In case the seminar, event or conference is cancelled more than two months prior to the date set for the event, the Organizer will pay 15% of the total amount charged. In the event that the conference cancellation takes place less than two months but more than 15 days from the date of the event, the Organizer will be charged 30% of the total amount. If cancellation occurs less than a fortnight prior to the set date, the Organizer will be charged an amount equal to whatever payments he/she has made so far.
- The Organizer is required to inform and agree with the EF the content of the exhibits or shows presented in the EF premises. The aforementioned EF consent does not imply acceptance or recognition of the content of any presentations, performances, exhibitions or other activities the Organizer displays. The EF reserves the right to remove exhibits or stop any performances immediately.
- The EF reserves the right to refuse hosting and exhibiting any exhibits or objects and the projection of any performances that violate moral standards or are inconsistent with the EF’s character. The content of the presentations of conferences, events or seminars, as well as the profile of any sponsors, should be consistent with the prestige, character and traditions of the EF. Organizers are not allowed to promote positively any issues relating to: the use of weapons or any warmongering topics, alcohol consumption, tobacco products, war games and pornographic material. The EF reserves the right to refuse the hosting and showing of exhibits or objects and the projection of performances that violate moral principles or are inconsistent with the EF’s character.
- The Organizer is forbidden from selling any kind of item or merchandise on the EF’s premises. In the exceptional case of any such sale within the rented premises, the Organizer solely bears the full responsibility to keep records and provide all tax documents required by law. In the event of non-observance of this condition, the Organizer will bear the sole and exclusive responsibility towards any person or authority, the EF being free of any liability.
- The Organizer is responsible for secretarial support for his/her event, transportation of his/her conference equipment and materials, search and hire of translators or interpreters and operation of the cloakroom, as well as for any of his/her partners and subcontractors involved in the preparation and running of the seminar, event or conference.
- Overruns or delays during the course of the conference beyond stipulated times are not allowed. If any activity exceeds the agreed time by more than 20 minutes, the EF will ask the Organizer to vacate the conference space. In any event, the Foundation reserves its legal rights.
- The EF will not be liable for any degradation or damage caused to the Organizer or third-party visitors due to force majeure events (e.g. earthquake, fire, terrorist attack), as well as for any emergency or planned interruption in public utilities (electricity, water, etc.), telephone and Internet services during the days of the event. With respect to electricity power in particular, note that the EF provides a power generator that is automatically switched on in the event of a power cut by the electricity company. The generator will provide power until such failure is overcome or for as long as the generator is able to operate.
- The Organizer is liable for compensation both towards the EF as well as any third-party visitors or EF staff for damages caused due to the fault of the Organizer or his/her associates. The EF has the right to redirect to the Organizer any claims or compensation it would be required to pay due to his/her actions.
- It is prohibited for the Organizer to grant any third-party concession to use the premises and the accompanying equipment and to change the use of the premises from what was originally agreed.
- During the seminar, event or conference, the Organizer is required to maintain the conceded venue and reception area clean and orderly. In any event, the Organizer is responsible for any degradation, damage or loss that may be incurred to either the premises or equipment during the seminar, event or conference.
- Upon completion of the seminar, event or conference, the Organizer must return the use of the premises and equipment to the EF in the same excellent condition in which he/she received it. Otherwise the Organizer is liable for any damage to the EF caused from delivery of the conceded premises and equipment in improper condition.
- The EF’s spaces are accessible and friendly to people with mobility impairment and the disabled. Inside and outside the building complex, lifts, wheelchairs and specially designed access toilets are provided (accessibility chain). Guide dogs for the blind are welcome.
- Smoking is forbidden throughout the EF building complex.
Construction, Installations and Transportation
- The Organizer wishing to hold a at the Eugenides Foundation premises must submit for approval by the Foundation his/her configuration of the exhibition area (design of booths, stands and exhibits).
- Every Organizer is responsible for the transport, assembly and disassembly of exhibition material, installing and uninstalling stands and all kinds of exhibition facilities, as well as any other equipment used for the seminar, event or conference.
- It is forbidden to affix and/or hang any object on any walls inside or outside the building, as well as on or from the ceilings. For interior use the Organizer may construct his/her own special self-supporting structures. The booths or stands used in a seminar, event or conference should not exceed 2.60 m in height and should be constructed using light materials so as not to cause degradation or damage to the building. Moreover, any constructions should not hinder free access and movement of the general public around the Foundation’s premises. Carpentry, welding or any similar worksite tasks are not allowed within the Foundation’s premises.
- It is forbidden to block the access of any entry and exit point (doors, lifts, stairwells) in any part of the EF premises.
- All decorating and arranging of the exhibition areas should be completed at least two (2) hours before the beginning of any exhibition. The Organizer shall use the allocated spaces in compliance with the sanitary, police and municipal regulations, especially as regards obligations on safety, appearance, excessive noise, work rights, safety and moral standards of neighbouring owners, workers and visitors to the EF.
- It is not allowed to place or affix promotional or advertising material on the outside walls and areas of the EF building complex.
- Under the responsibility of the Organizer it is permitted to move onto the EF premises pieces of equipment or materials that are necessary for the functioning of the event and/or exhibition. In this case the EF shall not be liable for any loss, damage or malfunction of those items. Full responsibility for their lawful and safe transportation, safekeeping, use and removal is the sole responsibility of the Organizer.
- No additions to or work on the EF premises’ electrical installation may be performed by third parties. Any necessary technical support in any part of the Foundation’s conference facilities is provided solely by the EF’s technical staff.
- It is forbidden to use flammable materials or similarly hazardous articles (e.g. decorative candles) due to the risk of fire.
Provisioning and Catering
- Choice of provisions supplier or caterer is at the absolute discretion of the Organizer.
- It is specifically prohibited to use any space other than the kitchen (located on the 1st floor) for the serving, preparation and/or storage of food and beverages. Cooking of food is not possible on the EF’s premises. However, it is possible to reheat already cooked meals in the 1st-floor kitchen or by the use of simple heating cabinets. Under no circumstances should gas cylinders or other heating devices be used except the aforementioned items or special heating candles (tealight).
- It is forbidden to use flammable materials or similarly hazardous articles (e.g. decorative candles) due to the risk of fire.
- Provisions storage and catering is provided under the responsibility of the Organizer, who should comply with all health and other relevant regulations. Food items are transported in the name of the Organizer and must be accompanied by all the necessary documents. The Organizer shall use the allocated spaces in compliance with the sanitary, police and municipal regulations, especially as regards obligations on safety, appearance, excessive noise, work rights, safety and moral standards of neighbouring owners, workers and visitors to the EF.
- Consumption of alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, coffee, tea and food items is allowed only on the EF premises that are expressly designated for this purpose. Consumption of food and beverages is not allowed in any of the halls or venues where seminars, events or conferences are held.
- The Organizer is responsible for amassing and collecting refuse related to catering services offered during conferences or events. The place where refuse is deposited is indicated by the person in charge of the cleaning shift.
Communication – Signage – Use of Logos
- It is not allowed to place or affix promotional or advertising material on the outside walls and areas of the EF building complex.
- The Organizer is not allowed to use the EF logo in any way without the prior express written consent of the Foundation. In the event that the EF grants such consent, the material on which the logo will appear must be submitted for the Foundation’s final inspection and approval before any such use.
- The use of the names ‘EUGENIDES FOUNDATION’ and ‘Planetarium’ for the purpose of publicizing, promoting or advertising a seminar, event or conference is not allowed without the prior consent of the EF.
- When referring to the EF’s address in informative leaflets or invitations to seminars, events or conferences the following should be used: The Eugenides Foundation, 387 Syngrou Avenue, Paleo Faliro 17564. In case the Planetarium is used, the reference used should be: New Digital Planetarium of the Eugenides Foundation, 11 Pentelis Street, Paleo Faliro. For any clarifications, please contact the EF.
Other Terms and Personal Data Protection
- Solely for security reasons the EF videotapes the proceedings of conferences, but no records are kept and no copies may be provided. At the end of the conference all the material is deleted. If the Organizer has assigned the conference secretariat to an external contractor, the EF does not record the proceedings and/or speeches and bears no responsibility. The EF declares to the Organizer that no records are kept and copies of the relevant material are not provided. If the Organizer uses his/her own means to videotape the conference, the Organizer must observe all the legal obligations (licensing procedures, informing the public, etc.) before the start of the conference or event, the EF bearing no responsibility.
- The EF uses a closed-circuit camera system for security purposes only, without keeping records or providing copies.
- The EF retains full ownership of all documents and movable and immovable property provided to the Organizer, who is obliged to return these items immediately either upon expiration or termination of the contract between the two parties or at the request of the EF at any time.
- Both parties undertake the duty to maintain confidentiality after the expiration or termination of the contract jointly signed by the EF and the Organizer for as long as the relevant information remains confidential and non-communicable.
- Both the EF and the Organizer undertake the responsibility to comply with the obligations arising from National and European Union legislation for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of their personal data including all decisions and instructions of the Hellenic Data Protection Authority. If a third-party conference secretariat is used by the Organizer, the EF does not record the conference proceedings and/or speeches and bears no responsibility.
- If any conference or event is filmed using the Organizer’s own means, he/she is required to observe, prior to the start of the event, all licensing procedures, public information, etc., the EF bearing no responsibility. The EF declares to the Organizer that no records are kept and copies of the relevant material are not provided. The EF informs the Organizer that positions 1 to 4 in rows B and C of the amphitheatre are marked as non-video recording positions and therefore videotaping of these positions is prohibited. In case the Organizer videotapes the event by his/her own means, he/she bears the responsibility for this and is obliged to comply fully with privacy laws and not to record the above specified positions, the EF bearing no responsibility in case of violation of the video recording prohibition.