Milestones of the Scientific Revolution
Traditionally, the starting point of the Scientific Revolution is marked by the publication of Nicolaus Copernicus’ On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres (1543) and its completion by the publication of Isaac Newton’s Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (1687).

The documentaries attempt to capture the context in which modern science evolved, utilizing research material from the history and philosophy of various scientific disciplines. Some thinkers, such as Galileo, Kepler, Newton and many others, broke with the past and formed a different picture of the world. The documentaries were developed based on activities that took place during the Interactive Science and Technology Exhibition, which completed its cycle in March 2016.
The Eugenides Foundation produced these three experimental documentaries in order to provide more information to the Greek public, an opportunity for reflection and entertainment. These documentaries can be used as educational tools in everyday school practice, as learning material that will support and enrich the teaching of natural sciences. For this reason, all three productions are available free of charge to schools and the general public through the Eugenides Foundation channels on YouTube and Vimeo.
Click ‘ALL VIDEOS’ to view the documentaries! All videos are in Greek.