WeTransform is a European project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program with aim to explore, capture and form new knowledge on the impact of automation on the workforce of all modes and sectors of transport.

Thirty-four (34) partners from 11 European countries and 4 overseas (USA, Canada, South Korea, Japan) are tackling these issues as part of the project, with the ultimate goal of developing a common thematic agenda with the participation of social partners and the formation of common knowledge in living-hubs utilizing cutting-edge technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools. The project, coordinated by Technical University of Turin, commenced on 1st December 2020 and will end on the 31 November 2023. The Eugenides Foundation participates as partner for the effects of automation on Maritime Shipping.
WeTransform identifies key barriers, needs, skills, competences, examining best practices and facilitating the co-creation of targeted and durable solutions. It supports collaboration through three main approaches:
- - Establish and foster a collaborative platform for the discussion of the effects of automation on transport labour market with relevant stakeholders.
- - Co-create user-friendly and shareable knowledge related to automation impacts on the transport labour market.
- - Enable and support durable and effective dialogue on innovation and the reality of workforce requirements and conditions.
WeTransform welcomes all the interested stakeholders to participate in the Stakeholder Fourm! A forum enables you to:
- - exchange experiences and knowledge on the effects of transport automation on the workforce;
- - identify future skills;
- - discuss future challenges.
You may apply by filling the application form: https://www.wetransform-project.eu/stakeholder-forum/
For further information please visit the official project website: https://wetransform-project.eu or see here the official brochure of the project.
Christina Troumpetari | Eugenides Foundation
Project Management, e-mail: ctroumpetari@eef.edu.gr
WeTransform is funded by the EU under the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (grant agreement No 101006900)
WE-TRANSFORM Final Conference

WE-TRANSFORM: Digitizing Europe's Transportation Workforce

WE-TRANSFORM 6th Stakeholder Forum Workshop

WE-TRANSFORM 5th Stakeholder Forum Workshop
