
2500 years after the pre-Socratic philosophers first started to look for rational explanations of the natural phenomena, humanity’s scientific endeavor has led us to a fascinating conclusion: that every living organism, every planet and star, the Universe itself are all subject to the concept of Evolution. Eugenides Planetarium’s latest production “Evolution” attempts to capture this all-encompassing concept by inviting its audience on a fascinating journey. From ancient Miletus, where pre-Socratic philosopher Thales laid the foundations for the scientific investigation of the physical world, to the birth and the large scale expansion of the Universe, from stellar evolution to the geologic history of our planet and the emergence and evolution of life, from the rise and demise of some of the great civilizations of the past to our modern civilization and beyond, “Evolution” narrates the fascinating story of Change.
Στην διάρκεια της παράστασης οι θεατές θα διαπιστώσουν ότι το Σύμπαν, αλλά και όλα όσα εμπεριέχει, δεν είναι σταθερό, αιώνιο και αμετάβλητο.
(Production: Eugenides Foundation, Eyelead Software, 2011)
Planetarium Show
Duration: 40'