Catalogues - Libraries - Book Series
13 series for technical, vocational and maritime education
The Eugenides Foundation publications are divided into 13 series, or libraries, depending on the needs of the subjects covered, served, but also on the difficulty level of the content and the intended purpose pursued by educators involved in each educational effort.

Today the Eugenides Foundation focusses on the writing and publication of books that are used by students of the Merchant Marine Academies (‘The Seafarer’s Library’), at the same time producing publications for the vocational lyceums, the schools of the Manpower Employment Organization [OAED], universities using the ‘Eudoxus’ electronic platform and other market channels.
A list of our publications may be found here.
All books produced by the Eugenides Foundation from 1957 to date are freely available to any interested party in pdf format (in Greek only) here.