Printing - Bookbinding
From linotype to offset printing
The importance that the Eugenides Foundation places on the excellence of the printing and bookbinding of the books it publishes is confirmed by the fact that, even at this stage, it continues to carry out checks in order to guarantee the high-quality standards it has set.

From 1956 to 1990 the Eugenides Foundation used the Aspioti-ELKA printing company, which then printed Greek postage stamps and in the past had printed banknotes. Aspioti-ELKA handled the layout, corrections, printing and bookbinding. The typesetting was accomplished using the linotype method and in some cases the monotype method.
The Foundation took care to ensure that the books were elegantly bound, but at the same time durable.
Since 1985, with the advent of electronic publishing, the Foundation adopted this technology in parallel. Since 1990 all typesetting, correcting, layout and processing is done electronically. Each signature (16-page fascicle) undergoes three corrections, the final of which is checked by the author in order to give his/her approval to begin printing. After the final corrections, the text is collated in its final form and sent for printing and binding.