Translation of Educational Textbooks and Manuals
Translations adapted for teaching
From early on, the Eugenides Foundation adopted the translation or adaptation of acclaimed international educational books and other manuals for use by students.

The very first of the 528 books that have been published to date was, characteristically, the adaptation into Greek of R. Cluzel’s book Les Mathématiques en 1re Année d’apprentissage by the late Nikolaos Kritikos, professor of mathematics at the National Technical University of Athens [NTUA].
This was followed by the translation of textbooks for the public Merchant Marine Schools and Academies.
Also, in order to establish a basic technical library for middle schools, where technology lessons are taught, and to cover teaching needs, the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs (Decision C2/5350/7.10.93) assigned the Foundation the task of translating and publishing books addressing the main technology fields.
Finally, the Eugenides Foundation, in collaboration with the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises, with the approval of the Pedagogical Institute, translated and published books to be used in the pilot application of the Youth Entrepreneurship Programme.
The most recent translations made by the Eugenides Foundation are the Πρόληψη ατυχημάτων επί του πλοίου «εν πλω» και «εν όρμω» [Accident prevention on board ship at sea and in port] (2014) and the Διεθνής Ιατρικός Οδηγός για Πλοία [International medical guide for ships] (2011), manuals that have been translated, published and are distributed to the Merchant Marine Academies.