The premises of the Eugenides Foundation are accessible and friendly to people with mobility impairment, sensory impairment and disabilities (entrance from 11 Pentelis Street) (accessibility chain).

- Disabled parking spaces are available: there are outdoor disabled parking spaces (11 Pentelis Street), as well as a parking space within the building for vehicles of people with mobility impairment (entrance from Ellinidon Street). For parking inside the building, prior arrangement must be made by telephoning 210-9469600.
- All floors of the Eugenides Foundation allow for easy movement for wheelchair users.
- Wheelchairs are available, which the public may borrow at no cost during their visit.
- There are access toilets for disabled people on level -1.
- Toilets with baby-change facilities are available on level -1.
- Guide dogs for the blind are welcome.
- The Eugenides Foundation leaflets are available in Braille and large font and are obtainable at the Information Desk (ground floor, entrance from 11 Pentelis Street).
- A service to interpret in Greek sign language and/or lipspeaking is available by arranging well in advance via an SMS on 6985-903381 or by e-mail:
- The New Digital Planetarium has been designed for wheelchair users.
- Two modern workstations have been installed in the Library – these allow equal access to Library material for visually impaired people and people with serious mobility impairment. For more information, click here.
- All UTech Lab computers have accessibility software for visually impaired, deaf and hearing-impaired users.
- The Eugenides Foundation Amphitheatre has seats for wheelchair users, as well as a wheelchair lift to access the panel and the podium.